
Five ways to clean for your boat or camper using vinegar

Keep a bottle of white distilled vinegar on your boat or in your camper van, for the ultimate multi-purpose cleaner. It’s economical, readily-available, effective and it is kind to the environment.   1. A splash of vinegar on a damp cloth will help you clean and shine the galley sink or camper kitchen counter tops. 2. Smelly drain? Pour 1 cup of baking soda down, then one cup of vinegar. Leave the bubbles to work for five minutes, then rinse with hot water. 3. Pump vinegar through the sewage system to clean away mineral deposits and to deodorize any nasty smells. 4. Use one part vinegar and two parts water to wash windows – this is especially effective on PVC boat windows which can be damaged by cleaning products containing ammonia. 5. Vinegar will remove mildew and mould from canvas shades or boat walls – wipe gently with a cloth soaked in vinegar.   Don’t be a land lubber – contact Goldstar Cleaning Services for a personalized quote to clean your Fernie, Sparwood or Cranbrook home so you can spend more valuable free time on your boat or on the road in your camper.  

How to remove grass stains from clothing

It’s summer, the sun is out and it’s time to send your kids outside for an outdoors adventure. Don’t worry what state their clothes will come back in – Goldstar Cleaning Services’ guide to removing grass stains from clothing will stop you spending your whole summer doing laundry. 1. Soak Try to keep the grass stain wet until you have the materials and time to clean it. Heat will ‘seal’ the grass stain and may halt any chance of removing it completely, so make sure you inspect the clothing after washing before you hang it out in the sun or stick it in the dryer. If the grass stain is still visible, soak and consider dropping it off at Goldstar Cleaning Services Drycleaning Depot at 1591 10th Ave, Fernie for treatment by Prestige Dry Cleaning. 2. Common household stain busters Apply rubbing alcohol to the grass stain to try to loosen it, leave for 15 minutes then wash with your usual  detergent. You can also apply a paste of equal parts baking soda and vinegar and rub into the fabric with your fingers – the fizzing action should help loosen the grass stain. 3. A sweet way to clean leather shoes Believe it or not, molasses will ‘draw out’ grass stains on your white leather running shoes (or any leather item). Massage a good dollop into the leather, leave overnight and wash the shoes with warm water and a gentle soap. 4. Prevention will save a lot of scrubbing Let kids be kids without worrying about how you will remove the grass stains, and send them out to play soccer in clothes that won’t cause you a lot of extra laundry. Grass stains are less likely to stain manmade fabrics than natural fibres such as cotton, and dark colours show the stains less than light. 5. Know when to hand it over to the professionals Goldstar Cleaning Services is a depot for Prestige Dry Cleaning – drop off and pick up items at 1591 10th Ave, Fernie. You need to get grass stains professionally dry cleaned if: • You have tried one of the stain removers above, washed it as normal and the stain is still there. • The item is fragile or is marked dry clean only. Get it checked professionally as soon as possible after the stain is caused – the longer you wait, the more likely the stain will not be removable.